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contemplations on covid 19

It is hard to believe we are now in the third month of lock down restrictions. Do we even remember what normal life was like before Covid 19?

It has certainly been a strange and difficult time for us all and we are extremely grateful to have fallen  into the essential service category  allowing us  to work  and support our staff.

We have often been asked if our pets can carry Covid 19 and pass it on to their owners. In some countries pets are being abandoned or handed over to welfare organisations.

“According to the WHO, there is no evidence that companion animals or pets such as cats and dogs have been infected or could spread the virus that causes COVID-19. “


I think you will all agree that during this time our pets have been invaluable. The term ‘companion animals’ coined in the eighties, could not be more apt. Our pets have been our friends, entertained us, made us exercise and for some, have been our reason to get up in the morning. This has also been the best time for your best friend!

But as we slowly begin to put our lives back together and head back to the work place your pet may well experience some separation anxiety. From having owners home 24/7 to being left for long periods of time may take some adjustment. Try to be patient and chat to your vet if things get out of hand.


It has also been a particularly difficult time for those owners who have had to say goodbye to their pet. Deciding when to euthanaze a beloved pet is always difficult but when we have spent so many weeks together is heart breaking. 

So together let us move on to the next chapter of our story like existence. Here’s hoping that more businesses will open shortly and people can slowly put their lives back together again.

We thank all of you for your support , we will continue to do our best for you and your pet even if things have changed a little!

Oh and our opening times during Level 3 are below!

Consultaions by appointment.

Monday – Friday 

  • 8.30am – 1pm 
  • 3.30pm – 5.30pm



  • 9.00am – 12 noon

We are opening for over the counter sales between:

  • 8.30am – 5.30pm

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