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Tree Removal and City Planning

Properties that fall within the Harfield Village Local Overlay Area in the map below are subject to very specific points regarding design criteria.

There is a specific point around treeseven those on private property!

It requires the owner to submit an application to the relevant City Planning Departments for consent/permission to excessively trim or remove any trees.

Any unauthorised activity to this regard will have to be reported to the City’s Building Planning department.

This could result in an administrative penalty being levelled against the owner.

(9) No person shall erect any street boundary wall or fence without the prior approval of the City, and such street boundary wall or fence shall be in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. the height of a visually impermeable street boundary wall or fence, including a solid masonry wall, shall not exceed 1,5m;
  2. masonry piers, or visually permeable wooden slats, railings or similar structures, shall not exceed 2,1 m in height, provided that the City shall have the right to demand a height of less than 2,1 m where, in the opinion of the City, such lesser height is required for reasons of aesthetics, safety or the public good;
  3. for the purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b), the height of such street boundary wall or fence shall be measured from the level of the footway immediately adjacent to such wall or fence.

(10) No person shall fell, uproot to cause to destroy a mature tree or hedge without the prior approval of the City.

Environmental Professional, Environmental Management Section

Department: Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate

Ground Floor, Plumstead Municipal Offices, 3 Victoria Road, Plumstead,  Southern Region

Tel: 021 444 2613

Fax: 021 444 3802


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