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Sterilisation is a big part of ARO’s strategy to achieve our mission as an organisation, which is to relieve the sick and suffering animals living in impoverished communities. The reality in South Africa is that the overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats is the major contributor to the abuse and neglect that animals are subjected to. Animals are not being sterilised for two main reasons: finances and education.

This is why ARO exists—we offer more affordable primary veterinary care to pet owners and educate our beneficiaries on the responsibilities of owning a pet which include the costs required to care for their pets. We charge minimal fees for our services as a tool to teach pet owners that this choice does not come for free. We charge our Mobile Clinic clients R250 which is less than half the subsided cost for a sterilisation which also includes a vaccination. The true subsidised cost to ARO of this service is R550.

Even the charge of R250 is a stretch for many of our beneficiaries. We need support from our ambassadors like yourself to subsidise the costs of each sterilisation so that we can keep offering this service and do what we can to combat the overpopulation crisis.

A donation of R300 will cover the costs of 1 sterilisation and vaccinations

A donation of R600 will cover the costs of 2 sterilisations and vaccinations

Click here to donate.

Or sign up for a monthly donation of R300 to cover 1 sterilisation per month!

Sign up for a Debit Order here.

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