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donations handover

We are so happy to let you know that Officer Zukile Jongilanga is back at work, serving the community he loves. We are very grateful that Zukile is able and willing to continue to protect us.

Donations came flowing in for Zukile and Officer Mthobile Ndyumbu’s wife and family – from associations, neighbourhood watches and the broader Claremont businesses and residents.

Officer Mthobile was loved and appreciated by all in Claremont. We are so very grateful for the years of protection and dedication Mthobile gave to this community.  He will never be forgotten.

We hope that the donation eases the burden of some of the costs that they have incurred over this very sad time.

It gave us great pleasure to hand over the donations today at Purley Park.

They are so overwhelmed by the community’s generosity and love.

With so much thanks to all of you!

Please save the date for the Annual General Meeting of the three Harfield Village civic associations:

~ Harfield Village Association (residents & heritage),
~ Friends of Harfield Parks (greening), and us,
~ Harfield Village Community Improvement District (safety)

We tend to overlap and collaborate on a number of issues, so it makes sense that we combine our AGMs.

Please note that the venue is the same as last year, which is different to previous years.


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