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Whether you are staying at home or going away, ensuring your home is secure should be a priority. “We often see a spate of opportunistic crime over the holiday periods. These crimes are not always traditional house break-ins while residents are away but also include driveway hijackings and robberies, and break-ins while residents are entertaining or sleeping in their homes,” she says.

In the spirit of Easter, she offers these five hops to getting your security in order:

Hop 1: Ensure that your alarm is in working order. Like all household appliances, your alarm needs to be tested regularly. Don’t leave it until the day before you leave as you may need technical assistance to fix any problems and this could take a few days.

Hop 2: Make sure your security provider has access to your property in the event of an emergency. If you don’t have an access solution in place, such as Fidelity SecureGate for example, speak to your security provider about what your options are.

Hop 3: Cut back any bushes or trees that may offer easy access over walls or gates to your property or provide places for criminals to hide. Take a walk around your perimeter checking walls and fences for any broken or damaged areas that may compromise their effectiveness.

Hop 4: If hiring a house-sitter, ensure that you teach them how to use your alarm correctly. If you don’t have a house-sitter, ask a neighbour or a friend to turn on lights occasionally so that there is a sense that someone is around. If this is not possible, consider putting your outside lights on a timer. 

Hop 5: Double check that you have locked and secured all windows and doors before leaving home. Turn off your geyser and any unnecessary electrical appliances so you can save on electricity and be environmentally friendly.

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