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HVA & HVCID Donate to Friends of Harfield Parks

We would like to thank the Harfield Village Association (HVA) and the Harfield Village Community Improvement District (HVCID) for their very generous donations of R4000 and R5000 respectively.

The HVA hopefully needs no introduction, but works hard to coordinate with local businesses, schools and civic organisations in Harfield Village to make the area a beautiful and pleasant place to live. The HVCID works specifically with community members, local security companies and the municipality to keep Harfield a safe and secure place for residents and their children.

Donations like these are crucial for sustaining our operations and keeping the parks clean, bio-diverse and beautiful. 

2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Due to the need to maintain social distancing, the Friends of Harfield Parks will be having a virtual AGM this year. We will send out the Chairperson’s report alongside the financial statements soon, as well as a call for new committee members and other interested members of the community who might like to participate in the parks without becoming full committee members. Stay tuned for more information :). 

Street Cleaning Challenge – November 

On 14 November, HVCID and the Friends of Harfield Parks would like to challenge Harfield’s street groups to participate in a new initiative to clean and beautify our streets and street-corners. HVCID’s Jenni Coleman will be releasing more information closer to the time, and we will be releasing some guidelines on the do’s and don’t’s of planting in public spaces. 

Wildflowers and mowing

Many Harfielders will have noticed that certain areas of the parks have been left unmowed this Spring to encourage wildflower growth. We would like to thank the City of Cape Town and the contractors for listening to civic groups and adjusting their mowing plans to accommodate the wildflowers this year, which helps to beautify our parks and maintain our flower and pollinator populations. 

Warm regards,
The FOHP Committee

For more information and directions you can email us at harfield.parks@gmail,com. You can donate using the following details: Friends of Harfield Parks; Standard Bank, Claremont; Account number: 076293874

Or use the Snapscan below.

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