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new attitude to pet care - kenilworth vet

Welcome in a new decade with a new attitude to pet care!

We hope that you and your pet had a fabulous time over the festive season without too many dramas or emergencies. January is typically a tight month financially where we bear the brunt of Christmas spending and have to fork out on back to school essentials. So why not starts the year with a new look at how you handle your pets expenses and general well being.

Be prepared! Budget,Budget,Budget!

With the increasing cost of drugs and services adding your pet’s expenses into your general budget is a no brainer! There are several easy ways you can do this.

1) Start a Pet fund – whether you throw your R5 coins into an old tin or jar or open a pet savings account, a few Rands a month stashed away will soon add up and can pay for those booster vaccines, flea treatments or could be a down payment on an unexpected surgery.
2) Pet Insurance – Is the way to go! More and more pet owners are investing in pet insurance. Our pets are living much longer and often need chronic medication in their later years. There are numerous reliable companies each with different options from emergencies only to comprehensive cover ,you are sure to find something to suit your wallet. Be sure to read the fine print to get the best deal and don’t forget to check your home insurance as this sometimes will have accident cover for your pet.
3) Lose weight – how many of us make this New Year’s resolution! Well don’t forget your pet!

Obesity is bad! Not only can it lead to illnesses such as diabetes but it puts unnecessary strain on joints and organs resulting in your pet needing expensive chronic medications. Speak to your vet about changing your pets’ diet and improve its longevity!

4) Walkies! –A happy pet is a tired pet! diet and exercise go hand in hand to ensure a healthy dog! Getting rid of pent up energy will help to improve your dog’s mental state and behaviour.

No more excuses- your dog needs to walk every day, even if it is 15 minutes around the block! Don’t forget it will do you good too!

We have talked previously about what to do if you lose your pet but why risk it? If your pet is micro chipped it can get home quickly and safely. So don’t waste anymore time get your pet micro chipped!


Our pets also need a proper examination now and again, particularly as they begin to age. There are certain problems that may not be obvious to you such as gum disease, kidney disease and arthritis among others. When your pet is vaccinated the vet usually does a full check over to make sure your pet is in good health, but if you haven’t seen your vet for a while and your pet is beginning to age please consider getting a check up.

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